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All on 4/ Pro Arch/

Teeth in a Day

The MALO DENTAL "All on 4 " or Pro Arch procedure is a treatment procedure that takes advantage of the benefits of tilting posterior implants in both the upper and lower jaw. This facilitates optimal prosthetic support for a high-pressure moulded acrylic bridge that can be fabricated and functioning within just a few hours after surgery. The protocol utilises a simple guide for predictable and optimal positioning of four implants (six implants, if necessary, in the upper jaw). The All on 4 technique was pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo from Lisbon, Portugal. I first trained under Dr Paulo Malo in November 2009 and performed my first case that same month. Since then I have maintained a detailed list of all my cases and am always searching for clinical research and inventions to improve the care I can give my patients.

I have performed one of the largest case series of Zygomatic Implants in the region and currently handle a significant number of Nobel Biocare and Noris Medical All-on-4 Full Mouth Rehabilitation cases. I am affiliated with Malo Dental, where the original All-on-4 TM design was developed. Patients are able to get their customised set directly made there. With my experienced team of internationally and locally trained dental surgeons and laboratory technicians, I will guide you in your pursuit to a more fulfilling life which always begins with a better smile.

With my prior clinical medical/ surgical and dental training, I am also especially particularly interested in the rehabilitation of patients with complex medical conditions and concerns.

I have been providing the All on 4/ Teeth in a Day treatment protocol since 2009 and have to my credit a very large case series of full jaw implant treatment. My team is dedicated to this treatment modality and my clinics are specifically designed to have a recovery room facility and dental laboratory facility enabling me to provide same day teeth for your comfort.

The MALO All on 4 Protocol/ Straumann Pro Arch Treatment

These are the various situations as to when the MALO All on 4 Protocol or Straumann Pro Arch is a potential treatment option:

  1. Failing upper or lower teeth

  2. Complete full denture wearer (upper/ lower or both)

  3. Partial dentures wearer (upper/ lower or both)

  4. Combinations of the above

The treatment stages are clearly outlined below:


  • A consultation is arranged at one of our clinics with me

  • We initially assess your availability of bone for case suitability using a X-ray and discuss your main concerns.

  • A CT scan is arranged or appropriate X-rays to assess your bone quality and quantity. I will then be able to confirm the final treatment plan.

Preoperative Stage

  • A treatment coordinator will then speak to you and counsel you on the entire procedure and financial costs

  • A deposit is paid.

  • Moulds of your mouth and shade of your current and planned teeth are taken.

Day of Surgery

  • You should eat up to 4 hours before the surgery

  • Existing teeth in the required jaw are removed in a single surgical visit in the morning. A minimum of 4 dental implants are then placed immediately.


After Surgery

  • A full arch acrylic bridge is then attached in the afternoon to the 4 implants.

  • Your smile is restored on the same day.

  • Soft diet for 8 weeks.

  • Strict oral hygiene using a waterpik as advised 


Review visits

  • You will be reviewed at the 2nd week following surgery and then monthly till 8 weeks have elapsed especially to ascertain how you keep the MALO All on 4 acrylic bridge clean.

  • An x-ray will be taken to assess the healing of your implants at 8 weeks following the surgery.

  • You will then be able to resume normal dietary habits.

  • We advise all patients to have 3-4 monthly regular visits to the hygienist and see your dentist 6 monthly.

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